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Welcome to the Eureka Chamber of Commerce
We are a voluntary organization of business and professional people, along with individuals, whose collective purpose is the promotion of the civic, industrial and commercial advancement for the community. The Chamber of Commerce speaks for collective business enterprise. The Chamber’s purpose is to develop a better community for each business and its employees.
The Chamber has a strong awareness that this community is made up of people who are concerned with the future of the Eureka area. Cities don’t just “grow”. People “make cities happen” – people with vision and confidence. The Chamber is an organization where they can join with others who have special expertise and interest in problem-solving. This interest, of course, is not only in industry but in tourism and community service. Membership in the Chamber serves as an interdependent network through which large-scale projects can receive support and encouragement. Investing in a community is the vehicle through which many programs are generated.
The Eureka Chamber of Commerce has long been a driving force in the community. It is known to be the “Voice of Business” in the Eureka area. But, the Chamber’s strength and vitality come only from a strong and supportive membership. In short, you need the Chamber and the Chamber needs you!
Krista Overstreet,
Executive Director